


BeingChange is about creating a space – a sangha, a circle, a council - to explore together ways to be psycho-spiritually prepared for
any and all future planetary outcomes, while being lovingly and courageously present to the here and now. It's about envisioning a
viable, compassionate, just future we can live our way into. A future that's so compelling we want to contribute our best, most passionate efforts to making it a reality - even in the face of possibly insurmountable odds. Please join us and become part of the circle.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bodacious Dream (part two)

Two months late – it's time to recommit to posting every week. But I haven't been idle.

I realize that I don't want to dream small. I realize I want to give my best shot to making a BeingChange Center a reality. So, I've been spending my time of late crafting an in-depth proposal, fleshing out what that might look like, what that might entail.

It's amazing how clear my vision actually is. I know precisely what spaces I want, what purposes I want them to fulfill, what opportunities I could offer - basically, how it could be an awesome, co-creative, visionary, energetic field for transformation and conscious evolution. How lofty and bodacious is that!?

As I pursue this lofty, bodacious dream, I keep in mind that there are ways to fulfill the intent and possibilities of the Center - without the Center. And I will look for opportunities to do so. But the idea of a dedicated space for this growing BeingChange community – a place where people can gather together to learn about, contemplate, explore, and play with the idea of what it would mean to co-create a new story... Ahhhh, I want to be there, don't you?

I hope to soon have a new page on this site that will contain this evolving proposal and I will welcome all feedback and offers of help. But don't wait! If you have any ideas you want to share, contact me any time.

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