


BeingChange is about creating a space – a sangha, a circle, a council - to explore together ways to be psycho-spiritually prepared for
any and all future planetary outcomes, while being lovingly and courageously present to the here and now. It's about envisioning a
viable, compassionate, just future we can live our way into. A future that's so compelling we want to contribute our best, most passionate efforts to making it a reality - even in the face of possibly insurmountable odds. Please join us and become part of the circle.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Five Gifts of Uncertainty

Joanna Macy

At the next BeingChange Circle, on June 11th, I will be showing the short video of Joanna Macy's talk at the 2009 Bioneers conference. You can see it on the home page of her web site at

After viewing the film, we will call the circle and share what comes up for us around her topic: "The Five Gifts of Uncertainty." Perhaps you'd like to call your own circle and send me your responses to this moving and timely message. Here's a sneak preview of the five gifts:

The gift of the present moment
The gift of fresh recognition of the power of intention
The gift of befriending our pain
The gift of our solidarity with all our relations
The gift of an immensity of time

Joanna is truly a remarkable woman. Her compassion and energy are boundless. I hope you enjoy the video! An opportunity to be in her presence, even a virtual presence, is not to be missed.

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