


BeingChange is about creating a space – a sangha, a circle, a council - to explore together ways to be psycho-spiritually prepared for
any and all future planetary outcomes, while being lovingly and courageously present to the here and now. It's about envisioning a
viable, compassionate, just future we can live our way into. A future that's so compelling we want to contribute our best, most passionate efforts to making it a reality - even in the face of possibly insurmountable odds. Please join us and become part of the circle.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

WelcomeTo the Latest Evolution of BeingChange ...

... reflecting some simple shifts in focus and intention.

First, BeingChange will foremost be a container for my personal story of navigating the Great Turning. I will share my experiences, hopes, fears, dreams - as well as resources and ways to engage in your own way. I strongly believe in the power of story and I'm passionate about exploring the possibilities for a transition into a future with a regenerated Earth and whole human beings. This is what I live and breathe. I've learned much along the way and it is my hope that my attempts to “be the change” will support you on your own journey of
healing,  transformation, and conscious evolution.

This shift  also honors my need to find and express my own voice - as a person, as a writer, and as a spiritual activist. I don't see my role as "teacher" but as facilitator and co-creator. Which brings me to the next shift...

Second, there will be much more emphasis in BeingChange as a community, with every effort made to build a thriving following with much sharing of stories, resources, and support. Bear with me as I continue to learn the technology to accomplish this in cyberspace and as I continue developing circles, courses, events, and other ways to get involved - both in real life and through this site. AND please do go here (and scroll down to the bottom) to see how you can join our community right now!

While the nature of story is organic and not to be forced into boxes, I'm committed to posting at least once a week, so I hope you'll visit often. I look forward to journeying with you.

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